Ascension - Twin Love Codes -Sacred Puja - Mt. Shasta
With Roshandra * Reiki Master ~ Arch Angel Raphael & Arch Angel Gabriel

Roshandra *
Arch Angel Raphael
Reiki Master
For over 27 years the Sacred mountain of Mt.Shasta in Northern California has been a place of retreat, meditation, St.Germain, Arch Angel Gabriel, ascended masters, Virgin Mary, the Christ, White Buffalo Woman, the Divine Feminine of this mountain and Native American Grandfathers.
The mountain began calling me over twenty four years ago. In 2009 on 11:11:2009 a direct experience with a hitch hiker coming off a five day silent retreat camping was given a lift to town. I never pick up hitch hikers. With him was the likeness of Adama of Telos. His presence came with me into my suv taking him down the mountain to town. It was a blessing.
From then on Lanto, Ascended Master and St.Germain and Adama began showing me information regarding the process of Ascension with the body. I began teaching on that and the three lower chakras and how it reflects the higher ones and the earth body grounds while bridging to the light body. (Crystalline body of light)
Mt. Shasta is the ROOT Chakra of the Planet and part of the retreat gatherings is to take people through the Awakening and Grounding the body and ANCHORING to the Light grid in Balanced Harmony once Activated in this process SAFELY.
I currently also have on going Gatherings at SEDONA for five days.
Also in PARIS on the Rose Ley Line Grid and Louve and D'Orsay museum and ley line for the Magdalene and the TWIN loves.
England also. South of France this year and Scotland too. Hawaii in the near future. Namaste